
Wolfram Alpha ChatGPT Plugin Demo

Wolfram Alpha is an incredibly useful plugin for ChatGPT. Since many don’t yet have access to the plugins, I demo’d it in this video: Approximate Transcript: This video is a demo of the Wolfram Alpha chat GPT plugin, I’m gonna try to go through all of the things that it says it can do. In this video and kind of show also somebody pointed out that you could click on the thing to see kind of how it’s thinking and processing, I’m going to try to do that as well. There is a little bit of a limitation here, while I have access to all the plugins, there’s two that I don’t the the actual the open AI plugins, the code interpreter plugin would dramatically enhance Wolfram Alpha as we would be able to use use it on our own data on large datasets, like an upload a spreadsheet, or a CSV or something. We can’t do that. So we’re gonna have to kind of play with that a little bit. But let’s work through this here. I’m actually going to do this one at a time. So mathematical calculations, I’m going to ask it some funky calculation. Let’s see what it does. Okay, here’s my through else’s done integrals. So let’s see. Let’s see what it does. Alright, so make sure click on this solve integrate the input response? It’s I can’t really, because it’s it’s calculations or is it steps? The creatively solving for x by finding the roots of the polynomial equation resulting from the blah, blah. I like that it’s kind of showing its work to some degree, it’s telling us what it’s doing. Really Sure. Pause for a second. These routes are expressed, oh, x equals? It’s been a long time since I’ve done integrals. I don’t recognize it’s possible. This is a limitation of kind of a chat thing here. I don’t really recognize the answer. But it seems like it’s giving me multiple answers. Maybe there are multiple x values that solve this. And I don’t really understand that. So maybe somebody who knows a little more up to date with math notation can give that to me. So, but that’s still pretty neat that it can do that. Because, you know, my understanding is that some of these integrals can be extremely complex and hard to solve. Okay, let’s try this as well, data analysis. So obviously, we can’t do the heavy data analysis, because we can’t input that much data. I could probably copy and paste from a spreadsheet, but it’s unclear how much of that would do. We could, you know, I will try that second. But let’s also do visualization. So we’re going to do is graph, please, we always want to be polite to our robot overlords, please graph this equation. Let’s see what it does. Let’s scroll down. And let’s make sure we can see what it’s doing while it’s thinking. It created an image. And it’s going to show us that image, I think within here, the images look pretty good. Sometimes, I’ve had been able to get it to do even a 3d image, which is pretty neat, a 3d graph. Okay, did it not a bad job of that? Let’s try. Let’s let’s try doing creating a spreadsheet real quick. And then just copying and pasting it into here. Okay, so what I did was I downloaded the last five years of stock data for for Microsoft, let’s actually, let’s just do one of the the listings and let’s graph this. Let’s have a graphic and see if that works. Please graph the data. Let’s see if it was it might not be too much. Curious if it’s going to put this in for every single input here. Oh, pause while it works through this. And I’ll show you the end result. It might be here a while because it looks like it’s inputting every line one by one. And this is five years worth of data. So you know, five times 365. You know, that’s what like 17 1800 different lines and it’s doing it very slowly. So give me a minute. We’re not sure exactly what happened here because it stopped showing its work here and it gave an error. Indeterminate string starting line comb wonder if it just didn’t like some of the data on 570. It’s just missing. Maybe it didn’t like that. It jumped dates for some reason, I guess I guess over the weekend, they did they just don’t. The stock market isn’t open. And maybe Wolfram Alpha didn’t like that. And let’s see what it said to create the group If Okay, so it only has a little bit of data, and it only created over a very short period of time. That’s interesting. It didn’t like it. I think this will be resolved quite a bit with the code interpreter plugin if I had that. So I’m not super concerned that it that it kind of barfed on the on the data. Well, it had a it had a break here. So it’s unclear why that would be an issue. Who knows why, what does this click on this cloud plugin? Okay, well, page it says page at the top page unavailable. Interesting. Okay, let’s go back up to the top and scientific computations okay, I wonder what the what we can do with this? How about please calculate the next five dates when Mars will be closest to the earth. actually kind of curious about that summarized it. Next five Mars opposition dates. I don’t know if that’s the correct term could not understand. Okay. Mars opposition date? So it didn’t understand that. So it’s digging a little bit deeper and trying to figure out what this is nearest opposition to Mars? I wonder if this is correct. Let’s actually check this answer. No, that’s it’s opposition dates. So 2020 to 2025 2047 2029

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Demo of All ChatGPT Plugins Available in April 2023

ChatGPT plugins are an amazing new development from OpenAI. They will dramatically expand ChatGPT’s capabilities rapidly. If you’re curious what it is like to use the first batch of plugins, watch this video: Approximate Transcript: Hi, in this video, I want to go deeper into the plugins I shot another chat GPT plugins video, I didn’t go over all of them, I’m going to try to cover as many of them as I can. Many of my voice can hold up, I might pause to talk for a little bit because I do still have COVID. And, but also some of the plugins I noticed actually were working that weren’t working before specifically the Zapier plugin, and I’m going to show you as many of them as I can. So this one just didn’t couldn’t even figure out how that would work. Let’s go back, let’s do Zapier, we’re going to just uninstall everything so I can show you kind of from scratch. So he wants me to connect. Let me pull this window over. So it looks like I already have a bunch of actions. And that I have on here. But what we can do is let’s just add some new ones. And so right now, there’s still only six actions. I won’t show you all of them. But what I did before was these things didn’t work. I’m not gonna do the slack or the the Gmail was to do the Google Sheets one. I think that’s the more useful one. It still wasn’t working exactly correctly. And I’ll show you what I mean in a minute. Enable action. Okay, so we got that one. Let’s also do the lookup just have a I guess all these Okay, so this should be working. And we’re just gonna close this now. Alright, so now we’ve got it enabled here. And I have a sheet when we pull it up. Okay, so here’s the sheet, Yoda isms. And what it what seems to do is it’ll repeat itself when it’s not supposed to. That’s when it lastly, the last time I did it, which was about a week ago, the first time I did it, it wouldn’t do anything. So what we’re going to do is we’re going to say, so we have wraps is the the I think they call us the sheet. And this is the worksheet, I don’t remember exactly how they name it. But let’s say please add, let’s see, ice cream, toast and pickles to kind of want to test see if it will do it on row six. And or it’ll just do the next empty row to row six. Actually, here, let’s do row six in cells in columns A, B, and C respectively. Your pause while I finish typing this. So actually, I’m going to copy this. And I’m actually going to see if I need this last part because I believe it actually does need that last part. So let’s try this. Let’s see what it does. So I was not able to retrieve the information when I did it last time as well. Looks like I need to specify the worksheet. Okay, so you do need to specify that. All right, stop generating. Let’s try this again. See, even though there’s only one sheet within the Google Sheet or I’ll pause I think it’s going to ask for confirmation. It’s going to show me a preview of the action. Maybe a safety measure. So it’s weird Ice cream, ice cream, pickles. I could have edited it. But I just wanted to see if I just did it raw. And it didn’t do it on the correct row. It just did the next empty row which is interesting. So it’s better. But because in the past it did. I did three things as well. Excuse me, and it it it did one in all three. It got a little closer this time. But let’s see what let’s try this. Now let’s try I Okay, here’s the next next request let’s see if it can retrieve this information due to a variety of special rule being empty or the specific columns not containing any data yeah that’s not what we’re looking for so it doesn’t it isn’t able to isn’t able to actually pull the information so it’s still not working but again this they haven’t released this publicly yet so I’m sure if they’re still testing and it’s already improved several times as I tried it let’s let’s go into some different plugins the Wolfram Alpha one I did show that one successfully that that’s probably the best one so far that I’ve found let’s let’s just try this shot one. I can’t remember what what happened with this one. It’s too sharp turn off Zapier. Let’s try this I will show you how I was doing this it’s really interesting how it gives you sort of the some of the context there I don’t know how useful this is to be honest, because I wonder if it’s like if it’s actually finding like the best price is $109 million. What made them pick this this site? Over Amazon? Okay, $540 million All right. Maybe it’s like a classic shoe or maybe maybe they actually did find like the best one. Alright here’s, I guess this is eBay newish. Me It’s kind of cool. I like this, this image down here. It’s pretty, that’s pretty neat. I don’t see. I don’t see myself shopping this way. It feels like it still needs some more comparison aspects like maybe they pick a shoe. And they find several places where you can buy that shoe and give you several options as opposed to just one option. But it’s interesting. Oh, it’s so running in pause, not sure why this is still running like this because I did some other stuff for a few minutes. And it just seems like it’s done.

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Will Using Chat GPT Actually Make You More Productive? 🤔

This is a valid question… …in other words, is Chat GPT just a fancy tool that doesn’t really help or does it actually help make some things better, faster, and cheaper. I don’t want to go with just my gut feeling, so I looked around for some good data on this… And I found this MIT study on Chat GTP and productivity. TLDR: For white collar (AKA knowledge worker) jobs, those that used Chat GPT were significantly more productive. I’ve seen other, more anecdotal, cases where it seems likely that Chat GPT made something much faster, easier to do, or got a better result. I think the results in the study make a lot of sense. At the same time, like any useful tool, there are inefficient ways to use it that will be wasteful. Tip: What I do every day to try to capture this extra productivity: Mark up daily task sets with blue triangle on my paper to do list for the day if I think Chat GPT could potentially help with that task set.

Will Using Chat GPT Actually Make You More Productive? 🤔 Read More »

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