Online Dating in the Modern Era

The world of online dating has revolutionized the way people connect and find love. With the advent of technology, individuals no longer need to rely solely on traditional methods of meeting potential partners. Benefits of Online Dating Convenience: Users can access profiles from the comfort of their homes. Variety: Platforms offer a vast pool of potential matches from different backgrounds and interests. Customizable: Advanced algorithms help match users based on compatibility and preferences. Challenges Faced Dealing with inauthentic profiles and scammers. Overcoming the fear of the unknown when meeting someone for the first time. Navigating through the overwhelming amount of options. In conclusion, while online dating presents certain challenges, the benefits it offers in terms of convenience, variety, and personalization are unmatched. As with all things, it’s essential to approach it with caution and an open mind.

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Online Dating in the Modern Era

The world of online dating has revolutionized the way people connect and find love. With the advent of technology, individuals no longer need to rely solely on traditional methods of meeting potential partners. Benefits of Online Dating Convenience: Users can access profiles from the comfort of their homes. Variety: Platforms offer a vast pool of potential matches from different backgrounds and interests. Customizable: Advanced algorithms help match users based on compatibility and preferences. Challenges Faced Dealing with inauthentic profiles and scammers. Overcoming the fear of the unknown when meeting someone for the first time. Navigating through the overwhelming amount of options. In conclusion, while online dating presents certain challenges, the benefits it offers in terms of convenience, variety, and personalization are unmatched. As with all things, it’s essential to approach it with caution and an open mind.

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How Long Does it Take to Install GPT4ALL?

Here’s the answer: Approximate Transcript: In this video is about how long it takes to install and set up and use and get using GPT. For All. For all this is supposed to be one of the easiest, if not the easiest, it’s just an uninstaller. Basically, I haven’t done any research other than you know, I think I watched a video on it a couple weeks ago. And I have these two lakes. So let’s see how long this takes to just get it going. And I’m I pause the video a few times, which is why I’m doing the stopwatch just for your convenience, but so that we can keep an honest time of okay, how long does this really take? Alright, let’s go. So I’m not maybe I should read this, but I’m just I’m not going to I mean, because it’s text on a computer that somebody wants me to read therefore I will not read it. There’s just too much I can’t be bothered with five whole sentences. Alright, so it’s installing it on my computer Yes, I definitely read the license okay. Alright, so I installed it. Let’s see okay, so hold on, I’m going to pause the video to pull up the folder. Didn’t see that it left a little shortcut on my desktop. Looks like that. So I spent 30 seconds looking for something available models. I don’t know anything about this or will download that to the groovy one. See how long that takes I’ll pause the video considering trying to click on this although it looks like it’s kind of grayed out so I was thinking maybe I could go through the options while this download here. Let’s just see what happens Nope. Okay, so that took about a minute it just got done downloading it and maybe a little bit longer. And to be clear, this is Windows 10 that um, the music on here I’ll pull up I was trying to pull up my computer settings but it didn’t work I already installed Okay, so now we click here. Let’s just see 10 And you’re done. Ninja cowboy the let’s just see how it got since he goes through it without going into any settings just at its base level. And this is a pretty nice computer but uh you know it’s not like the best computer in the world either. Okay, well that’s not very useful so let’s click on the settings here remember how many threads My computer has my processor it’s a lot Okay, so it took us about three and a half minutes to get to here but I’m not sure how useful this is. But this right knee home like you about basketball like you are you’re just bliss so very fast to install Okay, here we go. I’m not sure it is getting the like you are Yoda thing but it’s getting some of it was about to say I don’t know how useful it is because it didn’t this this first response is pretty bad. I’m an injury cowboy. How do I do it doesn’t really move forward. But this at least is writing a poem about basketball. Not really doing it Yoda styles but that’s that’s pretty tough one I think it’s also a little a little bit slow here on this, let’s just stop generating because I feel like it’s degenerated enough. I wonder if the any of these other models are better. If I can just click download and then let it do that in the background and then select it later. So is there a new conversation if I just want to start a fresh one? As summarized above, wonderful it’ll actually do that. I’m trying to see if it like reads up their temperature maximum length if it actually goes up so I mean, like start to finish with me spending 30 seconds looking for something that was right For my face about three and a half, four minutes to actually be up and running, which is pretty, pretty great. But trying to decide if it’s actually very useful now if it’s not useful it’s probably very close I think that these models these these models that you’re able to download and install on your computer or have gotten are getting much better very quickly and I feel like you know with the the ability to use GPT for to train this would be this can be grown very quickly to a level on par with GE GPD for it seems like technically that’s against their terms of service but if people are just doing this not to sell it just to give it away, then I don’t really see what they what they can do about it or how they can even prove it. I guess the way in which they train it it might there might be like oh clearly this person is doing a lot of training was shut them down. So it did not get this one. All right, well very easy to install questionable value. They will play with it in a different in a different video and show you kind of like what its pros and cons are. And let me know if you’re interested in that. Please leave a comment below. Let me know and do I do read all those comments and try to respond to most if not all of them. Thank you very much and have a good day.  

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Wolfram Alpha ChatGPT Plugin Demo

Wolfram Alpha is an incredibly useful plugin for ChatGPT. Since many don’t yet have access to the plugins, I demo’d it in this video: Approximate Transcript: This video is a demo of the Wolfram Alpha chat GPT plugin, I’m gonna try to go through all of the things that it says it can do. In this video and kind of show also somebody pointed out that you could click on the thing to see kind of how it’s thinking and processing, I’m going to try to do that as well. There is a little bit of a limitation here, while I have access to all the plugins, there’s two that I don’t the the actual the open AI plugins, the code interpreter plugin would dramatically enhance Wolfram Alpha as we would be able to use use it on our own data on large datasets, like an upload a spreadsheet, or a CSV or something. We can’t do that. So we’re gonna have to kind of play with that a little bit. But let’s work through this here. I’m actually going to do this one at a time. So mathematical calculations, I’m going to ask it some funky calculation. Let’s see what it does. Okay, here’s my through else’s done integrals. So let’s see. Let’s see what it does. Alright, so make sure click on this solve integrate the input response? It’s I can’t really, because it’s it’s calculations or is it steps? The creatively solving for x by finding the roots of the polynomial equation resulting from the blah, blah. I like that it’s kind of showing its work to some degree, it’s telling us what it’s doing. Really Sure. Pause for a second. These routes are expressed, oh, x equals? It’s been a long time since I’ve done integrals. I don’t recognize it’s possible. This is a limitation of kind of a chat thing here. I don’t really recognize the answer. But it seems like it’s giving me multiple answers. Maybe there are multiple x values that solve this. And I don’t really understand that. So maybe somebody who knows a little more up to date with math notation can give that to me. So, but that’s still pretty neat that it can do that. Because, you know, my understanding is that some of these integrals can be extremely complex and hard to solve. Okay, let’s try this as well, data analysis. So obviously, we can’t do the heavy data analysis, because we can’t input that much data. I could probably copy and paste from a spreadsheet, but it’s unclear how much of that would do. We could, you know, I will try that second. But let’s also do visualization. So we’re going to do is graph, please, we always want to be polite to our robot overlords, please graph this equation. Let’s see what it does. Let’s scroll down. And let’s make sure we can see what it’s doing while it’s thinking. It created an image. And it’s going to show us that image, I think within here, the images look pretty good. Sometimes, I’ve had been able to get it to do even a 3d image, which is pretty neat, a 3d graph. Okay, did it not a bad job of that? Let’s try. Let’s let’s try doing creating a spreadsheet real quick. And then just copying and pasting it into here. Okay, so what I did was I downloaded the last five years of stock data for for Microsoft, let’s actually, let’s just do one of the the listings and let’s graph this. Let’s have a graphic and see if that works. Please graph the data. Let’s see if it was it might not be too much. Curious if it’s going to put this in for every single input here. Oh, pause while it works through this. And I’ll show you the end result. It might be here a while because it looks like it’s inputting every line one by one. And this is five years worth of data. So you know, five times 365. You know, that’s what like 17 1800 different lines and it’s doing it very slowly. So give me a minute. We’re not sure exactly what happened here because it stopped showing its work here and it gave an error. Indeterminate string starting line comb wonder if it just didn’t like some of the data on 570. It’s just missing. Maybe it didn’t like that. It jumped dates for some reason, I guess I guess over the weekend, they did they just don’t. The stock market isn’t open. And maybe Wolfram Alpha didn’t like that. And let’s see what it said to create the group If Okay, so it only has a little bit of data, and it only created over a very short period of time. That’s interesting. It didn’t like it. I think this will be resolved quite a bit with the code interpreter plugin if I had that. So I’m not super concerned that it that it kind of barfed on the on the data. Well, it had a it had a break here. So it’s unclear why that would be an issue. Who knows why, what does this click on this cloud plugin? Okay, well, page it says page at the top page unavailable. Interesting. Okay, let’s go back up to the top and scientific computations okay, I wonder what the what we can do with this? How about please calculate the next five dates when Mars will be closest to the earth. actually kind of curious about that summarized it. Next five Mars opposition dates. I don’t know if that’s the correct term could not understand. Okay. Mars opposition date? So it didn’t understand that. So it’s digging a little bit deeper and trying to figure out what this is nearest opposition to Mars? I wonder if this is correct. Let’s actually check this answer. No, that’s it’s opposition dates. So 2020 to 2025 2047 2029

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Demo of All ChatGPT Plugins Available in April 2023

ChatGPT plugins are an amazing new development from OpenAI. They will dramatically expand ChatGPT’s capabilities rapidly. If you’re curious what it is like to use the first batch of plugins, watch this video: Approximate Transcript: Hi, in this video, I want to go deeper into the plugins I shot another chat GPT plugins video, I didn’t go over all of them, I’m going to try to cover as many of them as I can. Many of my voice can hold up, I might pause to talk for a little bit because I do still have COVID. And, but also some of the plugins I noticed actually were working that weren’t working before specifically the Zapier plugin, and I’m going to show you as many of them as I can. So this one just didn’t couldn’t even figure out how that would work. Let’s go back, let’s do Zapier, we’re going to just uninstall everything so I can show you kind of from scratch. So he wants me to connect. Let me pull this window over. So it looks like I already have a bunch of actions. And that I have on here. But what we can do is let’s just add some new ones. And so right now, there’s still only six actions. I won’t show you all of them. But what I did before was these things didn’t work. I’m not gonna do the slack or the the Gmail was to do the Google Sheets one. I think that’s the more useful one. It still wasn’t working exactly correctly. And I’ll show you what I mean in a minute. Enable action. Okay, so we got that one. Let’s also do the lookup just have a I guess all these Okay, so this should be working. And we’re just gonna close this now. Alright, so now we’ve got it enabled here. And I have a sheet when we pull it up. Okay, so here’s the sheet, Yoda isms. And what it what seems to do is it’ll repeat itself when it’s not supposed to. That’s when it lastly, the last time I did it, which was about a week ago, the first time I did it, it wouldn’t do anything. So what we’re going to do is we’re going to say, so we have wraps is the the I think they call us the sheet. And this is the worksheet, I don’t remember exactly how they name it. But let’s say please add, let’s see, ice cream, toast and pickles to kind of want to test see if it will do it on row six. And or it’ll just do the next empty row to row six. Actually, here, let’s do row six in cells in columns A, B, and C respectively. Your pause while I finish typing this. So actually, I’m going to copy this. And I’m actually going to see if I need this last part because I believe it actually does need that last part. So let’s try this. Let’s see what it does. So I was not able to retrieve the information when I did it last time as well. Looks like I need to specify the worksheet. Okay, so you do need to specify that. All right, stop generating. Let’s try this again. See, even though there’s only one sheet within the Google Sheet or I’ll pause I think it’s going to ask for confirmation. It’s going to show me a preview of the action. Maybe a safety measure. So it’s weird Ice cream, ice cream, pickles. I could have edited it. But I just wanted to see if I just did it raw. And it didn’t do it on the correct row. It just did the next empty row which is interesting. So it’s better. But because in the past it did. I did three things as well. Excuse me, and it it it did one in all three. It got a little closer this time. But let’s see what let’s try this. Now let’s try I Okay, here’s the next next request let’s see if it can retrieve this information due to a variety of special rule being empty or the specific columns not containing any data yeah that’s not what we’re looking for so it doesn’t it isn’t able to isn’t able to actually pull the information so it’s still not working but again this they haven’t released this publicly yet so I’m sure if they’re still testing and it’s already improved several times as I tried it let’s let’s go into some different plugins the Wolfram Alpha one I did show that one successfully that that’s probably the best one so far that I’ve found let’s let’s just try this shot one. I can’t remember what what happened with this one. It’s too sharp turn off Zapier. Let’s try this I will show you how I was doing this it’s really interesting how it gives you sort of the some of the context there I don’t know how useful this is to be honest, because I wonder if it’s like if it’s actually finding like the best price is $109 million. What made them pick this this site? Over Amazon? Okay, $540 million All right. Maybe it’s like a classic shoe or maybe maybe they actually did find like the best one. Alright here’s, I guess this is eBay newish. Me It’s kind of cool. I like this, this image down here. It’s pretty, that’s pretty neat. I don’t see. I don’t see myself shopping this way. It feels like it still needs some more comparison aspects like maybe they pick a shoe. And they find several places where you can buy that shoe and give you several options as opposed to just one option. But it’s interesting. Oh, it’s so running in pause, not sure why this is still running like this because I did some other stuff for a few minutes. And it just seems like it’s done.

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The Implications of Large Language Models (LLMs) Hitting the Wall

Recently, Sam Altman said, “The Age of Giant AI Models is Over.” What he meant by that was, “our strategy to improve AI models by making them much bigger is providing diminishing returns.” So, I thought it would be interesting to explore if LLM’s hit the wall and have improvements dramatically slowed. Approximate Transcript: Hi, this video is about large language models MLMs hitting the wall and the implications of that. In case you haven’t heard, I shot a separate video about this. But Sam Altman recently stated that the age of giant models is over, which I think is a bit misleading. Basically, what he was saying was, you can’t improve any more by just adding more data and more parameters. And this makes sense. And this is something that some people have predicted was coming, because GPT, four just capture so much of the data. They didn’t release it. But if you look at like the GPT, two had 1.5 billion parameters, which is sort of like the amount of neurons or the amount of different kinds of factors that it considers GPT. Three had 1.7 170 5 billion. We don’t know how many GPT. Four had has, they didn’t release that. But estimates are that it’s a leap over GPT. Three. And that also, that potentially, they’re kind of out of data. Now more data is being created every day. So it’s really they’re out of data completely, but perhaps just there’s not enough to get like that exponential leap. But also, I think he implied and this makes sense that sometimes more data just isn’t necessarily better, doesn’t necessarily give you an a better answer to get more data. And I elaborate on that again, in my in my recent other video. So you know, let’s assume for the sake of argument that that large language models and opening I included, hit a huge wall, and they are maybe not unable to move forward, but their progress has slowed dramatically. And we don’t see anything like what people think maybe GPT, five should be for five or 10 years, that maybe there’s another technological development that needs to happen. So what comes about because of this, let’s look at the good. I think probably the biggest thing is for the world to kind of catch up mentally on unlike, you know, especially when it comes to misinformation being spread, and identifying that and helping people adjust to that new reality that we’re finding ourselves in right now, this year 2023, that’s probably the only good thing I can think of maybe the pause, the people who were in favor of a pause is just kind of happens naturally. I personally don’t think that the pause is a good idea. And you know, there’s three dots here, because I don’t really see a whole lot of good coming from this, I’m sure that there’s plenty of people that will be celebrating this, if this is the case, I will not be one of them. The bad, here’s here’s what I would say with the bad good tech is slow down, there’s a lot of really good use cases that really dramatically can help people’s lives that is coming about because of the AI models. And now maybe this in some cases, this doesn’t affect that in some cases, it likely will. So you know, just to give an example, there’s a bunch of different stuff with regards to health care, you know, saving lives, curing diseases that that AI is actually has already shown to be quite proficient at and moving forward rapidly. So perhaps that slows down to me, that’s bad. I think there’s also an argument to be made for this could actually be better for bad actors. And the reason for that is that I think that opening I’m moving forward will actually help tamp down the bad AI models, as they have demonstrated to me pretty thoroughly, that they do have good intentions. And that if there was a bad model that that GPT for GPT, five could help kind of tamp down, identify, fight back against that they would work on that and help with that. And so I think that this actually opens the door for bad actors. And it’ll it’ll make sense when I get to this last bullet point. Let’s look at like, kind of, like how good is GPT for right now. And I would say that it’s really freakin good. Like, I was trying to test the other day like, you know, it’s supposed to be bad at math. And it actually did a pretty good job of math and showing its work. And it got it right. Not like a super complicated thing. But more complicated than what you know, other people were saying it was, it was it was wrong. And I need to add the hallucinations here. So but there are still some things that it struggles with math, as we mentioned before recent events, hallucinations, I think that there’s some more if you want put put them in the in the comments below if you have any other ideas, but it still struggles with some things, but not a whole lot. It does a whole lot really, really, really well. So you know, I think right now, it’s actually at a point that is pretty profound, just GPT four as it is now. Now. So Sam Altman did state that there are other ways in which they are looking to improve it, and I believe I believe them. And but maybe it’s just slower. Let’s assume for the case of this argument that it’s slower. It’s just kind of more minor updates that come together more further down the line in terms of years to create a more complex hints of bigger change, which is kind of what they said, they did say that a lot of their improvements, were just a

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“The Age of Giant AI Models is Already Over” says Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI

This statement by Sam Altman is provocative… …there seems to be an implication that giant AI models are no longer useful… …but this is not what Sam means. Approximate Transcript: Hi, this video is about something that sounds really profound that Sam Altman said, recently, the open ai ai CEO, he said that the age of giant AI models is already over. I think this statement is taken out of context is a bit misleading, because to me, and I saw a smaller, kind of a smaller headline that I clicked on that made it seem even more salacious is kind of is he saying that it’s just like, chat tivities done? Like, it’s not good anymore? That’s not what he’s saying. That’s kind of what I would my first reading of it. It’s like, oh, we’re not going to use them anymore. No, he’s, they’re going to use the large language models. What he really means by this is, is that they can’t make they can’t really grow the improvement of them by making them bigger. That’s, that’s the short answer, there’s a little bit more context I want to add as well, which is that this is this has been the philosophy of open AI, from the beginning. And for quite some time, there’s a, you know, there. ndarray, Carpathia, very famous in the AI world, I believe he was the head of AI at Tesla. And then I think he’s actually at open AI. And now I remember, I’ve watched several of his videos, and one of the things that he talked about, was that, number one, the code for these AI models over the last basically, since 2017, when Google released their transformers paper, the code is very short. And it really hasn’t changed a whole lot. It’s like, I think 500 lines, which for code is very, very small. And then he talks about sort of like the, I believe it was him that the the strategy, the way to improve it is just make it bigger, you know, just keep making it bigger, add more parameters. And parameters are sort of like neurons. And to give context that they show it here in this article of GPT. Two had 1.5 billion parameters. This is funny tag line to be generated by artificial intelligence, I wonder if this is like an AI movie, or series about AI? Anyway, 1.5 billion, and then GPT, three 1.7 5 billion parameters, and it made it way, way better. And that was a large reason for the improvement. And then GPT, four, they didn’t announce how many parameters there already it but it’s supposed to be much bigger. And so what he’s saying is by adding more parameters or neurons, it’s not going to improve the model, there’s diminishing returns in that area. And up to some point, this is going to not give you more, I think another way of looking at this is also more data, it doesn’t necessarily add improvements to the quality of, of the of the model, but just in general, from a standpoint of like data analysis, more data isn’t always better, doesn’t always improve things. And, you know, just real quick aside, if you think well, why should I believe you about data, basically, for the last 20 years, data has, I’ve done data from a theoretical and from a practical standpoint, you know, I have a master’s degree in Industrial Engineering, which is closer to actually data science than it is than it is engineering. And it’s worth a lot of lots of statistics and analysis of huge, weird datasets. And then, you know, I worked at a semiconductor factory where there was, there’s a lot of complicated data, you know, spreadsheets with 10s, of 1000s of rows and dozens of columns. And, and I’ve worked there for about six years. And then for the last 11 years, I’ve done SEO, which is another kind of like practical data analysis, this is very different than the semiconductor, but still, more data. So I’ve been studying data, it’s been my jam for a very long time. And it makes sense, sometimes more data doesn’t add a clearer picture to the situation. And so this in they have talked about actually, this shouldn’t come as a surprise, even though the headline is kind of like, whoa, this shouldn’t come as a surprise, because this has been talked about for a while that number one, they’re going to run out of data to crawl. And that’s not entirely accurate. Because more data is being created every day, more and more in that rate of increase, that rate of new data is increasing over time. But it certainly hasn’t been increasing at the rate at which they have increased their models. But additionally, it doesn’t necessarily help again, help kind of clarify the situation. I think I’ve got a reasonable analogy. It’s sort of like imagine you’re trying to draw like a 3d picture. And you put in your first button and you can only do with dots, you put it in with a handful dots. And you can see like that line of, you know, a guy on a motorcycle so you kind of know what it is. And then you put in a bunch more dots and you get a lot more clarity. You can see more here His facial expression, and you can see that he’s got like a bandage on his leg or whatever. And then you put in more dots, and you get a very clear picture. Now, when you add more dots to the, to the picture to the dataset, there’s no additional clarity, or it’s very minor, the clarity that is added to the situation. And I think this, this kind of metaphor works for, for the, how they’re dealing with the data and the parameters of, you know, GPT, four and beyond. Because, you know, it

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Cool New Midjourney Feature

Midjourney is the best image AI model as of April 2023.  It produces, hands down, the most photo realistic images. The usability of Midjourney…leaves a lot of room for improvement. “Permutations” is a big improvement that makes it much faster for the user to generate a lot of different images with one command. Check it out: Approximate Transcript: Hi, this video is about a really cool new feature in mid journey that is really awesome. And I’ve started using the journey a lot more recently, you might notice in like the thumbnails, I almost always start with, with mid journey. And almost all the graphics I use in here mid journey. And usually when I go in to do that, it makes sense that I kind of want to create different variations, I have a few different ideas for how things can work out or what different types of features that I want. And maybe I wanted this, I want to look at two or three different styles. And it just creates a lot of extra work when you’re trying to do a bunch. So now what we’ve got here is if we look at this, within each curly brackets are the different options, when you separate them by commas is actually quite a few different options. We have four here, we have four here, and we have four here. So this will be four cubed. So this should be 64 different options. So if I hit Enter, have too many prompts. The limit is 40. Okay, well news to me. So let’s see, what we’ll do is we’ll copy in here, and we’ll take away let’s take away robots. And we’ll take away one more of a nature theme here. Okay, so that should get us under the There we go. So we Yes, and it’ll just start firing them out. Now I have the I have the highest version of of a mid journey. And so I think it happens a lot faster than for some people but uh, this is a really, really cool feature to just get a bunch of different variety in your art really, really quickly. And then see which ones work the best for you really, really awesome feature. I always love when software companies invest in making things faster and more efficient, more productive for their users. So thank you very much mid journey for this. And if you’re already using the journey, definitely start using this and I’m sure that you’ll find it immediately very useful and very simple to use. So thank you very much like this video if you liked it, subscribe if you want more awesome AI content. Hope you have a great day. Bye

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OpenAI Not Working on GPT-5?

Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, made some interesting comments recently about GPT-5. It seems they are being interpreted heavily and it seems to me that some are reading a bit too much into the comments… …so, I decided to do my own reading into the comments lol. Approximate Transcription: Hi, this video is about what Sam Altman said about GPT. Five and what some of the reactions are to it. And then some interpretations on what what it really means for GPT five going forward. So there’s a video and I’ll put a link to the video in this tweet, and then an article. So you can read it all if you want. And watch this quick video where Sam Altman calls into this Lex Friedman’s event. And he says, We are not currently training GPT five, we’re working on doing more things with GPT four. So I watched another video where someone said that this means meant that they’re not working on GPT. Five, that’s not the same thing to me. Because you can work on the algorithm or the model without training it. I think although the the logic, I know that the code for it is supposed to be pretty simple. So maybe there’s not a lot of work to be done there. Or maybe they are kind of working on it by also working on GPD. Four by solving things with GPT. Four, those are solutions that they can take and apply to GPT. Five, I don’t think this pushes the timeline out. I don’t think this is should be interpreted as they’re they’re trying to put a pause on things to let you know to hear keyed the call of those other people from about a month ago. And actually Lex Friedman. I’m sorry. Sam Altman comments on that in this video, he says basically something to the effect of like, hey, they have some valid points. But then there’s some other things like that he thinks that the it’s technically not not not very accurate. I still think we’re on track for like a GPT 4.5, excuse me, sort of COVID GPT 4.5. In in may be late this year, early next year, and then GPT, five, maybe about two years out. That’s based upon just the history obviously, that’s that’s a wild guess. But some people seem to also be interpreting this as either a lie, I don’t think it’s a lie, have found Sam Altman to be extremely straightforward in every single thing. And I’ve watched a lot of his stuff in terms of, you know, just telling it like he sees it and calling it like he sees it and not he’s, you know, not he’s kind of political about it. But he’s not afraid to say I disagree with someone, or this is what we want to do. And so, you know, I think that this isn’t him trying to be like, Oh, we’re not really working on it when they are. But the fact that they’re not training it is isn’t too surprising. It isn’t like big news, and I don’t really doubt him. I’m genuinely curious. What do you think? Do you think he’s, look at this poll right here on Twitter that a lot of people doubt him? Do you doubt him? Do you think it’s true? What do you think in terms of what this means? Because I’m very curious what you what you have to say. Well, anyway, this is a quick update. If you liked this video, like and subscribe for more awesome AI videos. Thanks. Have a great day. Bye.

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Artificial Intelligence Business Opportunities

The latest developments in artificial intelligence has created countless new business opportunities. In the video below, I explore some of the angles and vectors that I think are getting overlooked in this field. Approximate Transcript: This video is about AI business opportunities. Basically, it’s obvious to many people, maybe some people less obvious, but to a lot of people AI where we’re at with AI right now what has just happened in just the last year or two, and what is likely to happen in the next year or two, there are major, major new opportunities for people to either start new businesses or add on to their addition their current business or to make themselves and it’s in a lot of ways a lot of these things apply to people who work for other people, but, but want to continue to be valuable to their company or to other companies that go forward. I mean, there’s really a massive abundance of opportunities here. If you’re setting out to create a new business or add part at something to your business, it’s actually more about narrowing your focus than it is about like, is there enough opportunity out there, there’s just so much this AI is going to change a lot because going to touch every single industry very, very quickly, some industries sooner and faster and more initially, but ultimately, it will touch a lot, a lot of things. This is not like Bitcoin, this is not like blockchain. This is not even like a like even the cell phone opportunities. There’s so much more, I think it’s on par with the internet, Bill Gates said that there’s only one thing that he that was transformative that he’s seen in his 40 years. And that was actually the graphical user interface. He didn’t even mention the internet. You know, to be clear, like all of these things needed to happen in order for this to work. But here we are, and AI is really, really, really amazing. So you know, I mean, you kind of do your research. And here’s one of my major recommendations, you know, do a little bit of research, do some research, and then pick a path and pick a good to excellent path, and stick to it and just just hit it and stay focused, you’ll hit a wall, keep going and stick with it to some degree. Now, that doesn’t mean you don’t pivot, but it just means that you keep you don’t stop completely or completely abandon everything with the first hurdle that you see. And also this is about not picking, not searching for the perfect opportunity. Because you don’t need the perfect opportunity. Also, it just puts you on an endless quest of searching, or all you’re doing is searching, searching, searching, searching and researching, researching, researching, you don’t actually do anything and you miss the opportunity. Also, it means what a lot of times what happens with this kind of thing is you start one thing, you go halfway into it, and then you see what you think is a better opportunity, you stop that thing. And the first thing and then you go to the second one, and then you rinse and repeat. And you end up after a years with multiple half made business opportunities. So definitely don’t don’t recommend that first area, I would say is with software development. There are new software capabilities that have come about just in the last couple of years by calling the AI API’s, for example, text summarization, you couldn’t really do this in any sort of efficient way, unless maybe you have like a really specific set of niche specific text. Yet AI can do this very inexpensively. And and this is actually extremely valuable. And something that you can do within software that actually is can is very useful. And there’s a host of other things like this, that that the software can do now that it couldn’t do before, in some cases, even just a year ago, or like more precisely in some cases, like it could do it a year or two ago, but the solution was really bad or really expensive. And that that has improved dramatically since then. So it’s more practical, you effectively couldn’t do it. But theoretically, you could do it. That’s kind of what I’m talking about. Also, I think that there’s some room, a lot of room for what I would call AI winter independent solutions. So this is sort of like if openeye wins. If Google wins if and video wins, if some other new company that we’ve never heard of yet wins the AI war, your solution still works. And this is one way to go about it to where, you know, you’re not dependent too much on a single provider that said, like, you know, you could be using open eyes API and then switch to somebody else’s API in the future, should you need to do that. So that’s not necessarily like, just because you’re kind of dependent on one. But this is more about talking about like, tools that use a variety of different types of API’s. But that could also allow users to pick between them, between different ones sort of will make more sense if you go down that path. And then also there’s a lot of niche or use case specific solutions. So you know, I mentioned in another video about like AGI versus AGI isn’t and I think in a few other videos, you know, they’re they’re just because there’s a super intelligent, artificial general intelligence. That is more are intelligent 1000 times more intelligent than the smartest human being ever, does not mean that it will do everything, and does not mean it will even do do everything well, and that there’s a lot of room, especially for smaller competitors to come in. So, pick a specific line, pick

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